Trainer Profile

Adewale Alayegun
Contact Details
Teaching Experience (Years)
Professional Experience (Years)
Profile Summary
Adewale is a criminologist and security professional who specializes in information security and digital forensics, with almost a decade of industry experience. Proficient in various aspects of IT security, including cyber risk assessment, vulnerability management, application security testing, and cybercrime investigation, extensive assistance has been provided to organizations in securing their IT infrastructures and investigating cyber intrusions. Engagement involvement encompasses handling and processing digital evidence, computer breach investigation, data recovery, and network security testing. Furthermore, Adewale has conducted training sessions for military personnel, law enforcement agencies, legal professionals, and corporate entities on cybersecurity awareness, as well as the collection, handling, and investigation of digital evidence.
Trainer specialities and experience
Here is a detailed description of the courses that the trainer is specialized in and their related experience.