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Trainer Profile

Trainer avatar

Erik J. Andersen

Contact Details

Current Employer: Symbic a/s
City: Copenhagen
Province / State / Region: N/A
Country: Denmark

Teaching Experience (Years)


Professional Experience (Years)


Profile Summary

As Certified PECB Trainer since 2017, Erik J. Andersen delivers Five-Star PECB training in Information Governance, Risk and Security Management, and PECB ISO 27001 certification of persons at all levels . -  A great deal of the best Denmark-headed organizations are drawing on Erik Andersens inspiration and experience in Governance, Risk and Compliance .  - Based on his Copenhagen University graduation as economist, (M.S.C. Econ,) and 35+ years of experience as a leader, manager. consultant and Auditor in IT-driven accelleration and securing business execution, Erik is inspiring business- and IT leaders and managers by drawing on his profound experience in sustaining Business- and IT Risk leadership. During the last 40 years, Information and IT has become the single most important driver of business process efficiency, besides leadership. At the same time IT has become a rising risk for business operations. Therefore, Erik has increased focus on Information related risk in various forms, not at least Information Governance, Risk and Security, also in practical Management. - These days we are not waiting on the Third World War to come, it is very much here right now, In Cyberspace. - So go for the very best advice and training, to secure your business information values. Erik will give you the knowledge and skills you need in Information Governance, Risk and Compliance management. -  And the certifications you want, to prove that you are the best in business. Several hundred candidates already are holding the PECB- and ISACA certificates following Erik's training in both danish and english language.

Trainer specialities and experience

Here is a detailed description of the courses that the trainer is specialized in and their related experience.